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ISIJ International, Special Issue on “New Developments in High Temperature Processing of Steels and Related Materials Leading the Sustainable Society, and Key Properties of High Temperature Melts” (Submission deadline: 31th July, 2024)

Call for Papers

Recently, our society faces major and immediate challenges to the sustainability of our natural environment. For example, the global transition to a circular economy model, the increase of scrap recycling, the development of renewable energy and associated electrical power storage technologies, and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels, are required. To achieve these objectives, the sustainable provision of steels and other metals is required, and therefore the optimization for the high temperature processing whether in production, refining or recycling of these materials are expected. However, for the development and optimization of efficient and environmentally-friendly processes, the fundamental scientific information on the physicochemical properties are essential.Based on the above background, this special issue mainly focuses on the new developments in steels and related materials production, refining and recycling technologies, as well as key properties of high temperature melts. Latest research and review papers on the above issues will be widely invited.
In addition to the general call for papers, excellent papers will be invited in this special issue from those presented in The 12th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts held in June 2024 in Brisbane, with the cooperation of the organizing committee.

1. Scope

This special issue comprehensively collects latest research studies and reviews, which are related to (i) high temperature processing of steels and related materials, whether in production, refining or recycling, and (ii) key properties of high temperature melts. It also widely includes research topics on thermodynamics, phase equilibria, reaction kinetics, and physicochemical properties of molten metals and slags or fluxes.

2. Submission of manuscript

  1. Submission deadline is 31th, July, 2024.
  2. Manuscript should be submitted in a style consistent with the “Instruction to Authors”.
  3. The manuscript should be submitted via ISIJ International online submission site on the following
    If you have any questions on the operation of electronic submission, please contact the Editorial group of ISIJ.
  4. Authors wishing to submit review papers should contact to the following guest editor:
    Assoc. Prof. Masanori SUZUKI, Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University,
    2-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
    Phone: +81-6-6879-7468, Fax: +81-6-6879-7468, E-mail:

3. Schedule for issue

Published 30th December, 2024.