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To utilize ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for researcher identification and fraud prevention, and to support researchers and engineers using ORCID, ISIJ journals, Tetsu-to-Hagané and ISIJ International, have decided to associate with ORCID iD.

Authors are requested to link the ORCID iD to the account in the online submission and review system of ISIJ journals (ScholarOne account).

Merits to associate your ScholarOne account and ORCID iD:

  1. Your publication information is automatically registered to your ORCID iD record via ISIJ–Crossref.
  2. The electrical hyperlink to your ORCID iD is added to the publication PDF file.
    ※ORCID iD will be included in accepted papers after June 1, 2022.
  3. You may log in the ScholarOne sites by your ORCID iD if accounts are associated.

Details regarding the ORCID iD, including the processes to register it and link it to the author’s site account, are follows. Click here for a PDF file.