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Special Issue on “Lamellar structure in structural metallic material and its mechanical property” (Deadline : 30th, April, 2021)

Call for Papers

The lamellar structures, which are typified pearlitic and lath martensitic structures in steel, have been widely used in structural metallic materials. For example, the piano wire processed through cold drawing of pearlitic structure exhibits excellent delayed fracture resistance, as well as the highest tensile strength in steels. In recent years, the characteristic features of various lamella structures, and the mechanism of mechanical property of structural metallic material with a lamellar structure have been deeply clarified, due to the remarkable advances of the microstructural characterization technology, computational science, etc. This special issue gathers the recent development and knowledge on the lamellar structures (including laminated structures) and the mechanical property in structural metallic materials. The topics cover a variety of lamellar and laminated structures which are formed through solidification, heat treatment, thermomechanical treatment, etc., in addition to the pearlitic and lath martensitic structures in steel. The researchers and engineers are encouraged to submit their research results which contribute to the development of structural metallic materials with a lamellar or laminated structure.

1. Scope

This issue comprehensively gathers the recent development and knowledge on the lamellar structures (including laminated structures) and the mechanical property in structural metallic materials processed through solidification, heat treatment, thermomechanical treatment, etc.

2. Submission of manuscript

  1. Submission deadline is 30th, April, 2021.
  2. Manuscript should be submitted in a style consistent with the “Instruction for Authors” and “Guide for the Preparation of a Manuscript” of ISIJ International.
  3. The manuscript should be submitted via ISIJ International online submission site on the following URL.
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    If you have any questions on the operation of electronic submission,please contact the Editorial group of ISIJ. 
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  4. Authors wishing to submit review papers should contact to the following chief editor:

    Dr. Yuji Kimura
    Research Center for Structural Materials (RCMS), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
    1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, JAPAN
    TEL / FAX : +81-29-859-2123
    E-mail :

3. Schedule for issue

ISIJ International, Vol. 62 (2022), No. 2 (February, 2022)