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Special Issue on “Advanced Carbon Utilization Technologies and Processes for Sustainably Prosperous Society” (Deadline : 28th February, 2022)

Call for Papers

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) considers carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as a factor in global warming, curbing temperature rises by 2.0 °C or less in 2014, and more severe measures by 1.5 °C or less in 2018. The Japanese government has proposed an 80% CO2 emission reduction in 2050 in response to the IPCC. Japan's steel industry and other manufacturing sectors have achieved the world's highest energy savings and reduced CO2 emissions. However, further activities are required to further reduce carbon according to the demands of the times.

Carbon has highly exergy and is essential as an energy source for efficient operation of industry, and innovative effective utilization technology of carbon resources according to CO2 emission control is expected to be important. Therefore, in this special feature, aiming at the ultimate utilization of carbon resources in the iron and steel industry and manufacturing industries, we will gather domestic and international knowledge and plan for the purpose of presenting guidelines for the development of new low carbon technologies and low carbon processes. Topics include utilization technology of carbon resources in iron and steel, chemical and manufacturing industries, and CO2 recovery, CO2 utilization for production of carbon materials and industrial utilization of the carbon materials. Also, including carbon energy system assessment and life cycle assessment integrating the entire processes. Japan's iron and steel industry and also chemical industry have a deep knowledge of effective utilization of carbon resources and leads the world.

In this special issue, original or review papers on recent technologies and forefront research for related with above topics will be invited. In addition to open call manuscript, selected papers will be invited from those presented in “The First Symposium on Carbon Ultimate Utilization Technologies for the Global Environment (CUUTE-1)” on 14th-17th December, 2021”.

1. Scope

Effective utilization of carbon resources of iron and steel, chemical and manufacturing industries. Showing the development of new low-carbon technologies and processes. CO2 recovery, CO2 utilization, CO2 recycling, carbon neutral technologies, low-carbon system evaluation / life cycle evaluation, the latest researches related to these topics.

2. Submission of manuscript

  1. Submission deadline is 28th February, 2022.
  2. Manuscript should be submitted in a style consistent with the “Instruction for Authors” and “Guide for the Preparation of a Manuscript” of ISIJ International.
  3. The manuscript should be submitted via ISIJ International online submission site on the following URL.
    URL :
    If you have any questions on the operation of electronic submission, please contact the Editorial group of ISIJ.
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  4. Authors wishing to submit review papers should contact to the following chief editor: Assoc.

    Prof. Takahiro Nomura
    Center for Advanced Research of Energy and Material, Hokkaido University
    TEL : +81-(0)11-706-6842,
    FAX : +81-(0)11-726-0731
    E-mail :

3. Schedule for issue

ISIJ International, Vol.62 (2022), No.12 (December, 2022)