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Granting of a CC License for Articles and the Procedure for Requesting Permission from ISIJ to Reproduce Copyrighted Material


Editorial Board of Journals, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ)

Beginning April 1, 2021, all articles published in the journals for which ISIJ retains copyright are treated as CC-licensed (normally, CC BY-NC-ND). In addition, CC BY-NC-ND is granted beginning with Issue No. 10 of 2020 onward, and in addition, CC BY may be granted at the author's request.

For articles that have adopted a CC license, permission for reproduction from ISIJ is not required as long as they are used within the terms of the adopted CC license.

The fact that permission to reproduce is not required does not mean that the material may be used without permission. Please check the terms of use. Conditions for CC BY-NC-ND and CC BY as adopted by the ISIJ are as follows:

CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs)

Attribution : You must give appropriate credit (the copyright holder, the title of work, etc.).
Noncommercial : You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
NoDerivs : You may not transform this material.

* You are free to use and share this material as long as it is appropriately credited, used for noncommercial purposes, and not transformed.

CC BY (Only Attribution)

* You are free to use this material as well as transform and reuse it for commercial purposes as long as appropriate credit is given.

◆◆ CC License ◆◆

A CC (Creative Commons) License is a new set of copyright rules for the internet age and a tool for authors who publish their works to express the intention, "You are free to use my work as long as you comply with these conditions."

By using the CC license, authors can freely distribute their works while retaining their copyrights, and recipients can redistribute or modify their works within the scope of the license conditions.

The CC License has become the de facto standard for open access licenses for academic journals worldwide. For a journal to truly be called an "open access journal," it must be freely accessible on the Internet and have a CC license that specifies the scope and conditions of secondary use. This has been the biggest challenge for ISIJ's journals.

Copyright for Articles Published in ISIJ's Journals

The copyrights for articles published in these journal since August 1980 have been transferred from the authors to ISIJ (articles for which the copyrights were difficult to transfer due to Crown Copyright or other reasons are listed in the footnote on the first page of the article pdf.) Additionally, beginning with Issue No. 10 of 2020, ISIJ has not been listed as the CC License copyright holder; please pay close attention to the details.

If you have objections to the transferring of articles published before July 1980—the copyright of which is not transferred to ISIJ—to the Website, please contact us by March 31, 2021. We have not received objections regarding any of the articles published by ISIJ thus far, so ISIJ retains the copyright to almost all of the journal articles.

Granting CC Licenses to All Past Articles in the Journals

Since copyright holders may adopt CC Licenses for their works, we will adopt CC BY-NC-ND for all articles, reviews, and other publications for which ISIJ holds the copyright as of April 1, 2021.

The 'journals' referred to here are one of the following

Japanese Language : 'Tetsu-to-Hagané'
English Journal : 'ISIJ International,' 'Transactions of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan,' 'Tetsu-to-Hagané Overseas,' 'Tetsu-to-Hagané Abstracts'

Articles published in both 'Tetsu-to-Hagané' and 'ISIJ International' from October 2020 onward will be licensed under the CC Licenses (normally CC BY-NC-ND). The License mark will be included in the main body of the article. Articles published after October 2020 may be changed to CC BY instead of CC BY-NC-ND at the request of the author.