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Notice about the Start of Advance Publication of Articles


Prof. Eiki KASAI, Editor-in-Chief,
The Editorial Board of Journals, ISIJ

Until now, an interval of between four to six months has been required before publication of articles (manuscripts) officially accepted for the Japanese-language journal Tetsu-to-Hagané and the English-language journal ISIJ International. In order to enable articles to be published as quickly as possible, our editorial board has decided to implement an "Advance Publication" service utilizing our J-STAGE platform beginning from August 2015.

This Advance Publication service will be made available at a fee to requesting authors only. Also, the articles eligible for Advance Publication will be ones that have been officially accepted for publication in our journals and compiled in PDF format by our editorial board and then been proofread once by the authors in that form. Following this process, Advance Publication can be completed in approximately one month from the date of official acceptance (Accepted Date) of an article.

As a rule, Advance Publication will begin from articled for our October 2015 issues. However, Advance Publication may also be possible for articles officially accepted for issues prior to that if authors request. For such a request, contact our editorial office.

1. Concerning Advance Publication

"Advance Publication" means online publication of articles that have been officially accepted for publication in our journals prior to the actual publishing date of the journal it has been accepted for. For this reason, although the publication Volume, Number and Page information will not be decided at the time of Advance Publication, the Advance Publication article will be given the same DOI (Digital Object Identifier) as the regular publication article and the two will be treated as the same document. Therefore, this same DOI can be used to quote the Advance Publication article.

On J-STAGE, articles registered as Advance Publication articles will be removed from the Advance Publication page when the regular journal edition it was originally scheduled to appear in is published, but a link will be provided as a past publication on the regular journal pages.

2. Application and Fees for Advance Publication

(1) Application procedure

  • On the online Manuscript Submission system from now on, applicants will be asked if they with to apply for Advance Publication, and after a manuscript has been officially accepted, the author(s) will be asked to make a final request for Advance Publication if they wish.
  • Regarding manuscripts (articles) that have already been officially accepted for publication, we will now accept requests for Advance Publication. Send your request to our office at the E-mail address shown below.

(2) Advance Publication Fees

For one manuscript: 4,700yen However, for the English-language journal ISIJ International, an exemption will be made until 2019 by the research fund on "International Information Dissemination Promotion" supported by KAKENHI*.

for details

Manuscript Publication Fee and Color Printing Cost

Publication Fee (Page Charge)
Per printed page: 9,300yen

Color Printing Cost (Color Charge)
Authors will pay the cost of color printing for the printed journal.
Cost per printed page: 32,408yen

Advance Publication Fees
For one manuscript: 4,700yen
However, for the English-language journal ISIJ International, an exemption will be made until 2019 by the research fund on "International Information Dissemination Promotion" supported by KAKENHI*.
2015-16: 2,400yen / one manuscript
2017-19: 3,200yen / one manuscript
2020 and beyond: 4,700yen / one manuscript

*KAKENHI: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

3. ISIJ International Editorial Office contact

E-mail :