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Manuscript type

The journal publishes Regular Articles, Review Articles and Notes, all of which are subject to peer review. Note that once a manuscript has been submitted, the article type cannot be changed. The initial submission must be withdrawn and resubmitted as a new article type.

Regular Articles

Regular Articles document original and significant results that contribute to the extension of knowledge and promotion of our understanding of iron and steel. Regular Articles are expected to be within 10 printed pages or less (approximately 10000 words, including tables, figures and other sections) in length. They must be presented in such a way that qualified workers can replicate the key elements on the basis of the information provided.

Review Articles

Review Articles are extensive surveys on a specific subject in which previously published information is compiled, analyzed, and discussed. Reviews are usually invited by the Editorial Board, but authors may also submit them voluntarily.


Notes (short communications) are a maximum of 5 printed pages (approximately 5000 words, including tables, figures and other sections) and can take various forms. They may describe:

  1. new findings or interesting aspects of ongoing studies that merit prompt preliminary publication in condensed form;
  2. new research and techniques;
  3. opinions or perspectives about topics of interest to readers; or
  4. criticisms or additional proofs and interpretations in connection with articles previously published in the journal.